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Lightning Class Association
Date: 6/26/2020
Subject: District Commodore Updates and News
From: International Lightning Class Association


Dear District Commodores

I hope that you are staying healthy and coping through this crazy time.  


As you know Lightning sailing is more than just meeting at the parking lot. We are a community of people sailing together for fun and fellowship.  We are all missing each other now and we need to keep in contact with our sailing friends to make sure they are all staying healthy physically as well as mentally.


It has been a rough time for many these past few months as we have lost loved ones or continue to hear about the current death rate.  As each regatta is cancelled, it separates us that much longer from each other. Please take this time to reach out to your District, check in with Fleet Captains and other members to see how they are doing. Perhaps remind them of some of the Lightning activities online. Last month I participated in the Class webinars and now all the replays are posted. They are free and informative, a benefit of your Lightning membership. To access the replays, go to the Lightning website, click on the Racing Tab, then Articles/Videos.

We all hope that we can get back out there soon, but in the meantime there are things we can help each other with now. Perhaps have a District Virtual Social Hour or talk about rules or rigging ideas. It is time to be creative and a chance to go over every ring ding and line on our boats. Encourage others to do the same so we are prepared for when we all can get back out on the water again. If you need some help setting up a virtual meeting, just contact Laura Jeffers in the Class Office. 727-942-7969 or


For those that are beginning to have Lightning racing.  How are you doing it? What safeguards are being implemented so all can enjoy the time on the water? I would like to gather this information and then share it with the group so that we can all get more out of sailing with friends and family while staying safe. 


As I mentioned in the beginning, I hope you are doing well, I am checking in with you. I hope you will do the same with those in your District.


Please feel free to reach out to me anytime. I love to talk about sailing and currently have plenty of time to do so!

All the best,  

Philip Lange


 VP District Coordinator


Phone: 585-727-4450

If you are no longer a District Commodore please contact Laura Jeffers in the Class Office with the new Commodores's information. 
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